M4eTransactionForm constructor
factory M4eTransactionForm({
@required Wallet from,
@required Wallet to,
@required Amount amount,
@required DateTime at,
@required TransactionMeta meta,
TransactionStatus status = TransactionStatus.pending,
}) {
assert(from != null, 'Transaction [from] wallet should not be null');
assert(to != null, 'Transaction [to] wallet should not be null');
assert(from != to,
'Transaction [from] and [to] wallets should not be the same');
assert(amount != null, 'Transaction [amount] should not be null');
assert(at != null, 'Transaction [at] should not be null');
assert(meta != null, 'Transaction [meta] should not be null');
return M4eTransactionForm._(from, to, amount, at, meta, status);